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Create automatic calendar

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  1. #1
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    Create automatic calendar

    I am trying to develop a calendar that automatically populates itself with dates and non weekend days each month also being numbered. Attached is the spreadsheet. The big issue is getting the dates to stop at the right time 28, 39, 30 or 31. It works fine now, except for February. I can't seem to get the additional nested IF statements in there to include for Feb on both leap and non-leap years. I know only need the formula in Row 38, as the last week is the only one that is an issue. I have been trying this for a couple days now and keep getting errors. Any help would be appreciated.

    Also, if I'm attacking this completely wrong, I'd be open to listening to that too. Is there a simpler way to create this calendar??

    Thanks for you help!!
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Re: Help creating automatic Calendar

    You could use a macro approach. e.g.

    Sub Test()
    MyYear = Application.InputBox("Please enter year", "Select year", Year(Now()), , , , , 1)
    RowsPerWeek = 7 ' or 8?
    For N = 11 To 12 ' change to 1 to 12
        ValidDate = True
        MyWeekNumber = WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(DateValue(1 & "/" & N & "/" & MyYear), 1)
        WorkingDayCount = 0
        Select Case N
        'Add other months here
            Case Is = 11
                TargetSheet = "NOV"
            Case Is = 12
                TargetSheet = "DEC"
        End Select
        StartRow = 6
        For M = 1 To 31
            On Error GoTo NonValidDate
            MyWeekday = Weekday(DateValue(M & "/" & N & "/" & MyYear), vbSunday)
            If ValidDate = True Then
                WeekWithinMonth = WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(DateValue(M & "/" & N & "/" & MyYear), 1) - MyWeekNumber
                Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(StartRow + (RowsPerWeek * (WeekWithinMonth)), (MyWeekday * 2) - 1) = M
                If MyWeekday >= 2 And MyWeekday <= 6 Then
                    WorkingDayCount = WorkingDayCount + 1
                    Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(StartRow + (RowsPerWeek * (WeekWithinMonth)), (MyWeekday * 2)) = WorkingDayCount
                End If
            End If
        Next M
    Next N
    Exit Sub
    ValidDate = False
    Resume Next
    End Sub
    This should deal with leap years. You will need to have the same number of rows per week - you seem to have 7 for NOV and 8 for DEC.

    Open up the VBA editor by hitting ALT F11

    Insert a new module by hitting Insert - Module

    Paste the macro into the empty sheet

    Hit ALT F11 to get back to the worksheet.

    Run the macro by going to tools-macro in Excel 2003 or the view ribbon in Excel 2007.

  3. #3
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    Re: Help creating automatic Calendar

    Do you know, this is something I've been meaning to set up for ages!

    Take a look at the attached. It uses the inputs in the top to calculate the first day of the first line AS A DATE. I've separated out the calculation using WEEKDAY, and the calculation of the first day of the chosen month, so you can see what's going on. The dates are all then formatted with custom format d, which just puts the day number in, but the joy is, you just need to add one to it each time. I've also added in conditional formatting to turn any dates outside the current month grey...

    NB Your profile says Excel 2003, but you've attached a 2007 book - please could you update your profile so people can help you more appropriately.
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    Last edited by outofthehat; 11-16-2010 at 06:16 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Help creating automatic Calendar

    Thanks Martin and outofthehat for your quick replies. Both great ideas. I can quickly see that outofthehat's suggestion seems to work, if I can then get the formatting the way I want it, which I think I can do. But I want to explore Martin's idea, too. I haven't done any macros, so I'll be swimming in dangerous waters - but it might be a good time to try.

    Profile updated, outofthehat - thanks for the reminder!

    I appreciate immensely the sharing the sharing of knowledge here!!

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Create automatic calendar

    Improvement - make that top-left cell of the calendar
    Gets rid of the unnecessary IF...

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Re: Create automatic calendar

    Trying to figure something out
    Will post if I can come up either something

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