Hello Excellers!
I am hoping that the Hive Mind that is this forum can help me find a solution to my problem.
I am looking for a formula that will look up a value in 2 different arrays and return 1 of 3 possible statements "<--Present", "<--Absent", or "<--Per Diem".
The work book has the monthly employees for 2010 sorted by their departments and status. The columns are broken down by Full Time, Part Time, and Per Diem.
Sometimes an employee will be terminated in January and will not be listed in February, and I need a "<--Absent" placed in the column beside their name. If an employee goes Per Diem from January to February I need a "<--Per Diem" placed. If an employee is present in both January and February, I need a "<--Present" placed.
I am using this formula to return "<--Present" or "<--Absent"
So I figured I can change the formula to return "<--Present", "<--Absent", or "<--Per Diem"
=IF(MATCH(D7,$G$7:$G$87,0),"<--present",IF(MATCH(D7,G145:G157,0),"<--Per Diem","<--Absent"))
However, this formula is incorrect only producing a "<--present" if the value is in G7:G:87.
Any help out there?