I have a huge spreadsheet that I need to add conditional formatting, Right now I have it via the conditional formatting drop down and it makes the spreadsheet freeze and run slow,
I have three sets of colums that repeat Column 1, 2, 3, In the second column I have forecasted dates, below are the conditions that I'm trying to add
If column 2 is empty no formatting
Condition one: If there is a date in column 3 = no formating in column 2 end of formatting
Condition two: if column 3 is blank, and the the date in column 2 is less than today's date formatting = column 2 = red fill end of formatting
Condition three: if column 3 is blank and column 2 = today through today + 7 days formatting = column 2 = Yellow fill
Condition four: if column 3 is blank and column 2 = today +8 through today + 14 days formatting = column 2 = Yellow fill
Column 1 = Column "O'
Column 2 = Column "P"
Column 3 = Column "Q"
and the columns repeat until no more data.
Hope this makes sense.