I'm having a problem with the Excel 2007 Name Manager. I'm trying to use this equation in a chart:
=OFFSET('Database'!$B14, COUNTA('Database'!$B:$B)-185, 5, 180, 1)
but for some reason every time I save the workbook, or do anything for that matter, the chart seems wrong, and when I go back to the Name Manager (where I added it to be used in the chart), I see why. The numbers in the formula have magically changed. I haven't figure out why. Here's an example of the most recent numbers that Name Manager seems to have changed:
=OFFSET('Database'!$B1048437, COUNTA('Database'!$B:$B)-185, 5, 180, 1)
Notice it's not even that different; except for the fact that B14 has now become B1048437. But that number is enough to not only make my data wrong, but also throw an invalid reference. My chart references the formula in the Legend Entries (Series) (i.e. the vertical data, or the Y-axis) like this:
"HitsLast180Days" is the name I had given the formula in the Excel Name Manager. I know this isn't an everyday sort of Excel problem, and I pride myself on knowing Excel pretty well, but this whole thing is just so confusing. Please help?