I need some help with a formula on an excel sheet i have developed a while ago to work out true odds for each horse in a horse race based on their past statistics. I have already designed the base sheet with all of the formulas and it works fine (rudimentary to experienced excel users I'm sure) but now I want to add in another column that adds additional points to a final score based on the prescribed prepost odds of each horse in a race.
The problem is this.
Based on what odds a horse is prepost I want to add points to the horses final points score
So if the odds are
Less than or equal to 1.50, receive 5 bonus to score
Between 1.51 to 2.50, receive 4 bonus to score
Between 2.51 to 4.00, receive 3 bonus to score
Between 4.01 to 6.00, receive 2 bonus to score
Between 6.01 to 9.00, receive 1 bonus to score
Greater than 9.00 receive 0 bonus to score
So on the sheet attached the odds are written into L17 to L36 down the page for each of the 20 horses in the race
Then AD17 to AD36 down the page is where I want to calculate the bonus points associated to each horses odds
I have attached the sheet, if anyone could help me with the formula to ascertain the bonus for each horse as per their odds it would be greatly appreciated