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Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

  1. #1
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    Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

    I need some help with a formula on an excel sheet i have developed a while ago to work out true odds for each horse in a horse race based on their past statistics. I have already designed the base sheet with all of the formulas and it works fine (rudimentary to experienced excel users I'm sure) but now I want to add in another column that adds additional points to a final score based on the prescribed prepost odds of each horse in a race.

    The problem is this.

    Based on what odds a horse is prepost I want to add points to the horses final points score

    So if the odds are

    Less than or equal to 1.50, receive 5 bonus to score
    Between 1.51 to 2.50, receive 4 bonus to score
    Between 2.51 to 4.00, receive 3 bonus to score
    Between 4.01 to 6.00, receive 2 bonus to score
    Between 6.01 to 9.00, receive 1 bonus to score
    Greater than 9.00 receive 0 bonus to score

    So on the sheet attached the odds are written into L17 to L36 down the page for each of the 20 horses in the race

    Then AD17 to AD36 down the page is where I want to calculate the bonus points associated to each horses odds

    I have attached the sheet, if anyone could help me with the formula to ascertain the bonus for each horse as per their odds it would be greatly appreciated
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
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    Re: Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

    You can nest IFs, but it's messy to write and messier to maintain. I'd use VLOOKUP() on a table that holds the numerical breaks and bonus points. See here for details.

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

    Duplicated post:
    Never use Merged Cells in Excel

  4. #4
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    HELP with a soccer prediction formula

    Hello all.
    I have managed to put together a formula for soccer prediction.
    The whole idea is based on simply adding the Home results against the Away results of the two teams
    I have inserted the external link so as to download the league tables and it works fine.
    What I wish to do is to be able to have the spreadsheet work once the fixtures are inserted.
    The main idea is that we have two different tables
    A (In Sheet 1) The newly refreshed league table and B ( In sheet 2) the fixtures.
    The target is to go to the fixtures and see what the formula predicts for each fixture, based on the updated league table.
    The formula works if three values for each team playing with each other are calculated.
    Home Wins, Draws and Losses for Home Team, and Away Wins Draws and losses for the Away team.
    If I ve given you a headache then you know EXACTLY how I feel.....
    The problem is that I need a VLOOKUP formula or something to calculate as folows
    From the league table to take the Home Wins, the Draws and the losses of the Home Playing team and place them in a row, and for the Away Team the Away Wins the Away Draws and the Away Losses and again put them in a row. From there all I need to do is to add the predicting formula....
    Can Anybody help?
    I will be obliged.

  5. #5
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    Re: Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

    In cell AD17 type this formula and then copy it down to AD36:

    My excel program runs in Spanish, if yours run in English substitute "SI" for "IF" and "Y" for "AND". In this formula the "," is the decimal separator, if your decimal separator is the period (.) substitue "," for ".". I used this formula successfully in my Excel 2010 version.

    Let me know how your program works! I once did a small excel spreadsheets that was very simple as it simply ranked the horsed according to their last speeds, and once it picked the 6 horses finishing in a race in the correct order!! but that proved to be an statistical anomaly... hehehe.

    Best regards,

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

    Welcome to the Forum, unfortunately:

    Your post does not comply with Rule 2 of our Forum RULES. Don't post a question in the thread of another member -- start your own thread. If you feel it's particularly relevant, provide a link to the other thread. It makes sense to have a new thread for your question because a thread with numerous replies can be off putting & difficult to pick out relevant replies.

  7. #7
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    Re: Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

    What are all the abbreviations in the excel spreadsheet for?

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Help With Formula For Horse Racing Excel Sheet

    Unfortunately your post does not comply with Rule 2 of our Forum RULES. Do not post a question in the thread of another member -- start your own thread.

    If you feel an existing thread is particularly relevant to your need, provide a link to the other thread in your new thread.

    Old threads are often only monitored by the original participants. New threads not only open you up to all possible participants again, they typically get faster response, too.

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