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Excel 2007 : Compare a cell to a column and return one of a number of results

  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    Compare a cell to a column and return one of a number of results

    I have a sales force of about 500 people. Someone is trying to track if they are opening their bulletins. The program we use tells us of someone has opened a given publication, but goes no further (counting, averaging, stuff like that). Additionally, some publications don't go out to the entire sales team.

    I have a workbook with 2 sheets. Sheet 1 has columns:

    Name (entire sales force)
    Publication A
    Publication B...and so on.

    Sheet 2 has 2 columns:
    Name (these are the people it was sent to)
    Match (the person who gave me the sheet did a VLOOKUP, so each cell has either the name again or #N/A)

    I am trying to find to do a lot of things in one cell.
    Initial test: Compare Sheet1!A2 to Sheet2!A2:A999. (one name cell in sheet 1 to the entire list of names in sheet 2)
    Second test: If a match is found in Initial test, then compare Sheet1!A2 to Sheet2!B2:B999.(one name cell in sheet 1 to the vlookup results in sheet 2)

    If no initial match existed, display "N/A" (it wasn't sent to them)
    If an initial match existed but a second match did not exist, display 0, or "no", or anything just to say 'they were sent it, they didn't open it'
    If both searches provide a match, then display 1, or "yes", pretty much the reverse of above.

    I'm familiar with countifs, and I had started to approach the problem from that side, but these multiple searches are throwing me. I haven't found exactly what I wanted using MATCH or nested IFs, but I may not be mapping these out the right way.

    I'd prefer a non-macro way to do this if possible, but I'll take any answer that works. They've already shot my 'This really needs to be a database' recommendation down, I just want this off my desk at this point.

  2. #2
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    Re: Compare a cell to a column and return one of a number of results


    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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