ive posted this question on another forum as well but im not really getting a very informative answer there so wanted to ask it here. hope i can get some help... need this for a job interview
previous post
in my data worksheet there was Labour Expense 1 and Labour Expense 2.
in the main sheet I was dealing with I just had Labour Expense. how would i get the sum of both LE1 and LE2 in there? now of course if i did it one by one this would be no problem but we want this to be in a way that can be duplicated easily, so by using vlookups or sumif statements. b/c in the data sheet there was also raw material expense 1 and RM expense 2, then rent 1 and rent 2, etc. now in this case there was only 1 and 2, but what if there had been a third, is there any simple way of dealing w/ that as well? i guess the simple way of doing this was to say - if in this range (ie column A) there's a value which starts off with "Labour" I want the corresponding figure (in column B) to be added.
also in the data tab i had values for north, south, and east, but not west. when i created a vlookup to import those values in, west gave n/a instead of 0. which woulda been OK except the main worksheet then tried to calculate a total and average, both of which got messed up b/c of the n/a. what was the right way to tackle this?