I am having problems using the function (quoted) to get the last keyword in a string of text within a single cell.
The function seems to pull out the first keyword it identifies (i.e. Operations) from the string. I would like to read a cell backwards (see example below) and have it grab the first keyword in that direction.

Example:I wanted to grab the highest education achieved by an individual. Their educational achievements are listed as follows in a cell, call it B1:
(cell contents for B1) Bachelor of Science, Master of Engineering, Doctorate of Philosophy (end of cell contents)

So, i would want to grab the highest achievement using the appropriate keyword, in this case Doctorate, and report back in cell C1 "PhD".

I hope that makes sense.
Thanks for your help.

Quote Originally Posted by NBVC View Post

To get the result for last keyword (e.g. "Operations" in C2) then.

copied down and to next column