I have to create 300 reciepts. I have a preprint and I created a layout, so that I can enter the information and print it on the preprint instead of writing everything by hand. The layout can be found in the appendix (its in spanish).
I have another list with all of the information. It is ordered in rows like this:
Name Tel Money ....
Peter 0172534 2000$ ....
Wolfgang 01745114 3000$ ....
Now I want to advice Excel to insert the data of one row into the corresponding cells in the layout. This 300 times... I do not know, whether Excel is a good programm to do that or not.
Another thing to consider is, that I only have one layout so far. I have to multiply them somehow and still pay attention, that they all fit the preprint in the end...
I hope this is possible, or maybe you have a better idea.
Thanks in advance!