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Compile data from several worksheets to one.

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  1. #1
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    Compile data from several worksheets to one.

    Dear All,

    I have like 100's of worsheet with the data. But I want to compile all the data into one worksheet. All the worksheets are almost similar. I just want to compile the particular column data of all the worksheets.

    SUppose I have a worksheet name 10.15 and I have the data on E,F, and G column and I have other worksheet 10.20 and have the same type of data on the same columns but the row number changes a bit. NOw, I want to continuously arrange the data from these worksheets in one worksheet. Suppose the worksheet 10.15 has 15 rows and the worksheet 10.20 has 20 rows, I want a new spreadsheet with 25 rows which contains the data of both the worksheets.

    Hope you good people know my problem.

    Please help soon. Thanks.

    Best Regards,

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Compile data from several worksheets to one.

    How do you get 25 rows when the first had 15 and the second had 20?

  3. #3
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    Re: Compile data from several worksheets to one.

    I meant 35 rows for the new one.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Compile data from several worksheets to one.

    I kind of knew that, but I needed to know you weren't using some new math on us.

    So you want to grab a column of data from a bunch of worksheets and stick them on the bottom of a single worksheet. I kind of have the idea. Are all these worksheets in different workbooks? As in different .xlsx files or are they all in the same workbook?

    To do this problem I need a small sample file. I would turn on the macro recorder and do about 2 of the copy and paste columns by hand. Then I'd look at the Macro code that is recorded to see what Excel VBA thought I'd done. Then I'd find the step that copied "on the bottom" of the column and change this code from a fixed Range to a variable. Test the new code and send it back to you to figure out.

    Is that what you want? Can you supply a sample file(s)?

  5. #5
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    Re: Compile data from several worksheets to one.

    Dear MarvinP,

    I have attached the sample spreadhseet with three sheets. What I meant by 100's of worksheets is like the sheets of the same spreadsheets (i.e single *.xls).

    Here in the file, there are 4 columns of data starting from the same point in each of the worksheets but they necessarily don't end on the same row. So what I want is on the new sheet to list all the data continuously. I hope you understand. Thanks in advance.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Compile data from several worksheets to one.

    I have a macro that may be pretty close to "ready to use" for collecting data from all files in a specific folder.The parts of the code that need to be edited are colored to draw your attention.
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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  7. #7
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Compile data from several worksheets to one.

    Here's an edited version of the macro that will work with the non-standard layout represented on your sheets. If the data on each sheet started at A1 instead of C2, these edits wouldn't be necessary.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Consolidate()
    'Author:     Jerry Beaucaire'
    'Date:       9/15/2009     (2007 compatible)
    'Summary:    Open all Excel files in a specific folder and merge data
    '            into one master sheet (stacked)
    '            Moves imported files into another folder
    Dim fName As String, fPath As String, fPathDone As String, OldDir As String
    Dim LR As Long, NR As Long
    Dim wbData As Workbook, wbkNew As Workbook
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Set wbkNew = ThisWorkbook
        Sheets("Master").Activate   'sheet report is built into
        If MsgBox("Import new data to this report?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
        If MsgBox("Clear the old data first?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
            NR = 1
            NR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        End If
    'Path and filename (edit this section to suit)
        fPath = "C:\2010\Test\              'remember final \ in this string"
        fPathDone = fPath & "Imported\"     'remember final \ in this string
        On Error Resume Next
            MkDir fPathDone                 'creates the completed folder if missing
        On Error GoTo 0
        OldDir = CurDir                     'memorizes the users current working path
        ChDir fPath                         'activate the filepath with files to import
        fName = Dir("*.xls")                'listing of desired files, edit filter as desired
    'Import a sheet from found file
        Do While Len(fName) > 0
            If fName <> wbkNew.Name Then     'make sure this file isn't accidentally reopened
            'Open file
                Set wbData = Workbooks.Open(fName)
            'This is the section to customize, replace with your own action code as needed
            'Find last row and copy data
                LR = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                If NR = 1 Then      'copy the titles and data
                    Range("C2:F" & LR).EntireRow.Copy _
                        wbkNew.Sheets("Master").Range("A" & NR)
                Else                'copy the data only
                    Range("C3:F" & LR).EntireRow.Copy _
                        wbkNew.Sheets("Master").Range("A" & NR)
                End If
            'close file
                wbData.Close False
            'Next row
                NR = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            'move file to IMPORTED folder
                Name fPath & fName As fPathDone & fName
            'ready next filename
                fName = Dir
            End If
    ErrorExit:    'Cleanup
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True         'turn system alerts back on
        Application.EnableEvents = True          'turn other macros back on
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True        'refreshes the screen
        ChDir OldDir                             'restores users original working path
    End Sub

    Put this macro into an empty workbook and name one sheet Master.
    Edit the fPath variable to point to the correct folder. Then it should work fine.

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