I have a list of addresses that I received from an old version of Corel Word Perfect.I managed to get it converted to excel by going through word 2007. This was emailed to me as a project for the County I work for. I really need the help!
in excel the addresses were formatted as follows:
Dr. Marvin Harris
1699 hwy 435
Anytown, TN 55555
John Allen Baitman
Baitman Bait Co
55 high street
thistown Tn. 55535
Mr. Allen Kwick, Jr.
104 Highland
Apt 12
anothertown TN 55698
Is there any way that I can have excel auto sort them into columns that I setup
Last Name - First Name - Company - Street Address - Address 2 - City - State - Zip
I have been trying to do this manually but there is over 600 addresses...![]()
Also some entries have leading spaces and I cant figure out how to remove them.
Thanks for any help!!!