I am not exactly sure how to word my question so i took a stab in the dark.
My problem is, when i open a CSV file, and then save it as a different name, it adds information to the new file when i compare the two using Wordpad.exe. How can i open Book1 in excel, change the job number to 15408, and then save it so it does not change the way the file looks when i open it with Wordpad.exe?
Book1 and Book2 was the same file (just copied and renamed). I opened Book2 in excel, changed the job number, hit Save, hit Yes to the CSV prompt, and closed it hitting No to the save request. After doing so, when i compare the original Book1 to Book2 in Word, they now look totally different.
See attached:
Book1 (original created by another program)
Book2 (my attempt to just edit the number and hit save)