I have created a very large Excel Workbook with many worksheets and many cells of information.

I have recently added a new worksheet called "Adjustments" to the workbook, it is laid out in the same fashion as the other worksheets in the book. Currently in the same workbook I have another spreadsheet called "Sales". I want to add information I have in "Adjustments" spreadsheet to the formula I have in "Sales" spreadsheet.

For example, currently in Sales I have a cell that reads "=DEP!C3-NEP!C3" I want it to read "=DEP!C3-NEP!C3+'Adjustments'!C3"

I have 1000s of cells so I don't want to go through each individually to link them all. I've tried paste special addition, but all this does is just add the raw number from "Adjustments" tab. I need adjustments to be dynamic not a static number.

Any suggestions on how to easily add a cell link to the end of a formula?
