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Combining IF formulas

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    Combining IF formulas

    I posted earlier but it seems I have few more scenarios than I thought.. Is there a way to put a formula with below reasononing?

    1) if Q1=0 AND Q2=0 and Cost ABS> 1,000 then comment: "W"
    2) if Q1=0 AND Q2=0 and Cost ABS< 1,000 then comment: "X"
    3) if Q1<>0 and = Q2<>0 irrelevant of the Cost then comment: "Y"
    4) if Q1<>Q2 irrelevant of the Cost then comment: "Z"

    Thanks so much

    ID	Q1	Q2	Cost	Comments	
    1234	0 	0 	8,000 	W	example 1
    9595	0 	0 	200 	X	example 2
    5422	100 	100 	7,000 	Y	example 3
    6944	100 	0 	200 	Z	example 4
    2412	100 	0 	5,000 	Z	example 4
    4212	0 	100 	200 	Z	example 4
    1565	0 	100 	5,000 	Z	example 4
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