I'm guessing the zero return you are looking at is because there are no 2009 dated transactions.
Yes, if you extend the data to row 27?, you'll need to adjust the formula. Looks like the table goes to row 26 to me but it wasn't obvious from the original sample ... sorry.
And, yes, you need to replicate the formula for additional column pairs.
So, cell *H30* would become:
=SUMPRODUCT(--($G$2:$G$26<>""),--(MONTH($G$2:$G$26)=(ROW()-ROW($A$29))),--(YEAR($G$2:$G$26)=F$28)) + SUMPRODUCT(--($L$2:$L$26<>""),--(MONTH($L$2:$L$26)=(ROW()-ROW($A$29))),--(YEAR($L$2:$L$26)=F$28)) + SUMPRODUCT(--($Q$2:$Q$26<>""),--(MONTH($Q$2:$Q$26)=(ROW()-ROW($A$29))),--(YEAR($Q$2:$Q$26)=F$28)) + SUMPRODUCT(--($V$2:$V$26<>""),--(MONTH($V$2:$V$26)=(ROW()-ROW($A$29))),--(YEAR($V$2:$V$26)=F$28))
This is for January, 2010, count of posting date column. Drag down for the rest of the months. Copy and past the formulae for 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
You will need similar extensions for the budget totals.