Quote Originally Posted by JBeaucaire View Post
Something like this put in the SHEET module to watch cell B7, edit the password constants at the top of the macro:

Option Explicit
Const Mike As String = "Mike1"
Const Alan As String = "Alan1"
Const Bob As String = "Bob1"
Const Pete As String = "Pete1"

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cell As Range
Dim pwd As String
Dim Oops As Boolean

Application.EnableEvents = False

For Each cell In Target
    If Not Intersect(cell, Range("B7")) Is Nothing And cell <> "" Then
        pwd = Application.InputBox("Password for " & cell & ":", _
                    "Enter Password", Type:=2)
        Select Case cell.Value
            Case "Mike"
                If pwd <> Mike Then Oops = True
            Case "Bob"
                If pwd <> Bob Then Oops = True
            Case "Alan"
                If pwd <> Alan Then Oops = True
            Case "Pete"
                If pwd <> Pete Then Oops = True
        End Select
        If Oops Then
            MsgBox "Bad password"
            cell = ""
        End If
    End If
Next cell

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Thanks alot JBeaucaire! It works like a charm. Can't stress enough how grateful I am for this. Hopefully I'll just be as good in the near future and could later offer help to other people.