I am using both open office and office 2007 and need the spreadsheet to work in both programs. Right now it works fine for getting the data out of the data tab(tab = worksheet) and putting it in the Monthly Report tab. In the Data tab, I have columns that go Index, Month, date, account number, account type, Notes, incoming expense, outgoing expense. The Month column automatically changes to the month depending on the date entered in the date column. The month column is then used in the Monthly report to find the data based on the month entered.
The Monthly report tab will show the current and annual expenses based on the month entered at the top of the report. What I would like to do in the 3rd tab is take the data from Data tab and list it in the 3rd tab with just the date, the notes, and the expenses. I would like to be able to say which month I want to display. So if I say 5 in the month, then it will display the data for the 5th month but I have not had any success in figuring out how to do this. I can get the first date in the month to show up but that is it. If I have more than one day in the month, then how do I get this information. I need to be able to do this without macros since I am using two different spreadsheets.
Thank you for your help