
so the thing is, I have a table with many entries, which are always being updated. These are calls each saved with following criteria.

Each entry looks like:

Row A: Date, Row B: Name, Row C and D are not important, Row E: yes / no (If the call was succesfull or not)

I need to sum up / count for each separate date, how many calls an agent did (thats the Name in the table) and how many of those were succesfull.

The output is in a different workbook. I am thinking about copying it directly from the file, where it is updated, but this step is rather easy than the rest I am trying so for now I just copied the data into a new workbook.

What I did:

Dynamic Ranged Names:
Name: =OFFSET('Input Ret Suc'!$B$1;0;0;COUNTA('Input Ret Suc'!$B:$B);1)
Date: =OFFSET('Input Ret Suc'!$A$1;0;0;COUNT('Input Ret Suc'!$A:$A);1)
YesNo: =OFFSET('Input Ret Suc'!$E$1;0;0;COUNTA('Input Ret Suc'!$E:$E);1)

Ive managed to sum up how many times an agents name is at specific date (everytime a name is written, there was a call and so there is one entry).

This is counted by the following formula:


In this case I have written all the dates in a sepparate row (it will probably be a column later, but this shouldnt be an issue), so N1 is 01.08.2010.

ExampleName is just a name of an agent, that is mentioned in the table with all the data.

This seems to work.

The next step was, I tried get the amount of calls, that were succesfull simply by implementing another condition


This formula always returns with #N/A

When I try to Show the Calculation Steps, the first step is something like SUM({0;0;1;... and a long list of 0s and 1s but at the end, there is ... #N/A;#N/A}). After clicking evaluate, the next result is #N/A.

Just for info, maybe this information may help. At the moment, I have 2418 entries, in which the first column, so the first entry, is the title.

When I try to count the "yes" and "no" sepparately, simply by Countif, I did

=COUNTIF(YesNo;"yes") with the result 753
=COUNTIF(YesNo;"no") with the result 1663

Together this makes 2416 entries, considering the title, Im still missing one entry. Ive tried to autofilter the data sheet with all the entries but I only get yes and no as an option to choose in that row.

Can anyone help me with this issue?