Hi Martin, appreciate your quick reply. Just a few points remain :
1. If i input say 3-4 error codes into cell A2, the output comes out fine in cell B2. However, if i input say ABCDEF into cell A2, then cell B2 only shows first four descriptions. Problem is that the last two descriptions are visible only if the row size is increased. Any way to get around this, that the row is re-sized according to the width of data input into cell B2?
2. If i place cursor on cell B2, I want to be able to only see the output and not the formula. How to do it?
3. I do not want any person to view/ modify either the formula cell in column B, or the entire sheet2 where my error codes and descriptions will be stored. How to work this out?
Once again, thanks for your support and look forward to your solution. Best regards, B