
I have data that I have pulled out of an external source which includes dates on which sales are made in a particular month. I want to convert that date to show the month and year only for pivot table purposes, for if I access the raw data number and format it, when I pivot it, it will show the actual date rather than the month and year.

As an example, this is how I currently need to work around it. The data set has in one column a date of 15/08/2010. I want the data in the pivot table to show only Aug 2010 when I reference this column. If I format the actual data column with 15/08/2010 with mm-yyyy it does not work when it is extracted into the Pivot and still shows the original date of 15/08/2010.

To work around this at the moment I have to do a separate 'month of year' reference on another sheet, to get in this case '8' for August, & also split out '2010' for year, then set up another column which will convert '8' into the month of August and will combine with '2010' to show 'Aug 2010' in a separate column referencing the line of data. I then reference this new column in my pivot to get the required 'Aug 2010' to show.

This is a long winded way of converting the date and was hoping there might be an easier way to do it so that I don't need to go through these multiple conversions to get the right format to show in the pivot table?

Thanks in advance for your help

