Only the first part talks about Vlookup. The artice then uses Index/Match to simulate a vlookup, but to return multiple results. At this point, you are no longer limited to the first column in the table.
1: Change $A$1:$B$7 to whatever your table address is.
2: Change $A$1:$A$7 to whatever range you would like to search (This is not limited to the first column. Pick any range within the table).
3: Change $A$10 to whatever value you's like to search for ("INKJETTING").
3: Change 1:1 to whatver occurence you'd like (i.e if you want the second occurance, change it to 2:2. Copying the formula down the page will do this for you in a sequential way.).
4: Lastly change the 2 at the end to whatever column you want to return the value from.
The key to this formula, and all array formulas, is that you cannot search an enire column (i.e. A:A). You need to have defined ranges. The best way to handle this is to use Dynamic Named Ranges (