I hadn't realised that you could use Data Validation in the way described ... that's quite impressive. As pb71 has explained, you need to select a value from one list and then choose the only available option from the second list. Hence, you have to make two selections (albeit, the second is a foregone conclusion). I *think" you will need to delete both entries in order to change corresponding values.
If you do elect to use this approach, I'd recommend using dynamic ranges to eliminate the blank entries in each of the drop down lists. For example, GL_Account_Code would be:
and GL_Account_Description would be:
Note that I have also deleted the two blank rows at the top of the SetUp page to make this work.
Using VBA, the second entry will be updated automatically whichever column you choose as the selection. From a user perspective, I think this is easier BUT it does mean you / they need to enable macros ... and not every environment allows this.
Hope this helps