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Auto remove hours

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  1. #1
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    Auto remove hours

    Hi All,

    I've been pulling my hair out to try and find a solution to my problem.
    I am trying to automate my time sheet...

    One column has the basic hours I am rostered to work in.
    One column total hours worked in
    one column has the additional overtime hours in

    I work shifts, so each day has 3 sections to it:

    Here is the problem:
    If I am supposed to work 0700-1400 but they change my shift to say 1400-2200 I have to show what shift I was supposed to work but crossed out as well as the shift I actually worked.
    So when I total up the hours worked in that column it would have an extra 8 hours in the total.
    Is there a way to automatically lose the additional hours?
    I have tried using the difference between the rostered + overtime and taking that from the total but keep getting a circular formula.

    any help appreciated.
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