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Auto remove hours

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Auto remove hours

    Hi All,

    I've been pulling my hair out to try and find a solution to my problem.
    I am trying to automate my time sheet...

    One column has the basic hours I am rostered to work in.
    One column total hours worked in
    one column has the additional overtime hours in

    I work shifts, so each day has 3 sections to it:

    Here is the problem:
    If I am supposed to work 0700-1400 but they change my shift to say 1400-2200 I have to show what shift I was supposed to work but crossed out as well as the shift I actually worked.
    So when I total up the hours worked in that column it would have an extra 8 hours in the total.
    Is there a way to automatically lose the additional hours?
    I have tried using the difference between the rostered + overtime and taking that from the total but keep getting a circular formula.

    any help appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2003

    Re: Auto remove hours

    You could add another column for a "schedule change" flag and then use SUMIF() to sum where it's not flagged. (what does your "status code" column get used for? could you add a unique code to enter when it's a schedule change?). For example, if you used an "x" in status code as a flag, your formula in cell P25 might be: =SUMIF(H4:I24,"<>X",P4:Q24)

    Hmm... you could then use conditional formatting to add the strikethru and red background, thus effectively automating it based on that flag.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Auto remove hours

    Hi Masteff,
    Thanks for your reply

    Unfortunatley all the columns are used at some point in time and we are not allowed to change the timesheet format which is dam annoying.

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