See this link
1/. The advantage in using and referencing this formula is that if you change the sheet name the UDF will update to suit, it can go in any free cell you wish, in the sheet you want to find the last value.
The workbook must be saved for this to work, because a filename doesn't exist until it has.
If you just use the UDF so
If you rename "Sheet1" to "MySheetName"
Then the formula must be changed to
If you put the sheet name in say A1 anywhere in the workbook then use the UDF so
the UDF will update, but if you now rename the sheet then you must match A1 to the new name.
By using
Updates will be automatic.
It is easier to try the permutations than explain them in words.
2/. It doesn't matter what last value in the column is, the UDF will return it.
Date, Time, Currency, etc. ... formatting will not however be matched,
3/. If however you have formatted values, try this
Use with
to get maximun benefit
Hope this helps