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Monthly Event Schedule (format like that)

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    Excel 2003 and Excel 2007

    Re: Monthly Event Schedule (format like that)

    Quote Originally Posted by mikerickson View Post
    Tested on 2007 at work. This introduces another variable lineDelimiter. (There were more of those replacements than I thought.)
    Function EventsForDay(dateSought As Double, dataRange As Range, ParamArray columnsReturned() As Variant) As String
        Dim HeadersArray As Variant
        Dim halfDayEvents As String, fullDayEvents As String
        Dim oneEventString As String
        Dim lineDelimiter As String, eventDelimiter As String
        Dim rangeToSearch As Range
        Dim i As Long, oneCell As Range, testLen As Long
        Dim resultstr As String
        lineDelimiter = vbLf: eventDelimiter = vbLf
        If Application.OperatingSystem Like "*Mac*" Then
            lineDelimiter = Application.Substitute(lineDelimiter, vbLf, vbCr)
            eventDelimiter = Application.Substitute(eventDelimiter, vbLf, vbCr)
        End If
        On Error GoTo Halt
        With dataRange.Rows(1)
            With .Cells(1, Application.Match(dateSought, .Cells, 0)).EntireColumn
                Set rangeToSearch = Application.Intersect(dataRange, .Cells)
            End With
        End With
        Set rangeToSearch = Application.Intersect(rangeToSearch, rangeToSearch.Offset(1, 0))
        On Error GoTo 0
        HeadersArray = columnsReturned
        For i = LBound(columnsReturned) To UBound(columnsReturned)
            If columnsReturned(i) = "time" Then
                HeadersArray(i) = "Time: "
                HeadersArray(i) = CStr(dataRange.Cells(1, columnsReturned(i)).Value) & ": "
            End If
        Next i
        For Each oneCell In rangeToSearch
            With oneCell
                If .Value <> vbNullString Then
                Rem if there is an event, make string describing it
                oneEventString = vbNullString
                For i = LBound(columnsReturned) To UBound(columnsReturned)
                    If HeadersArray(i) = "Time: " Then
                        oneEventString = oneEventString & _
                        Select Case LCase(CStr(.Value))
                            Case "am"
                                oneEventString = oneEventString & _
                                                        "8:30 - 12:00" _
                                                        & lineDelimiter
                            Case "pm"
                                oneEventString = oneEventString & _
                                                        "13:30 - 17:00" _
                                                        & lineDelimiter
                            Case Else
                                oneEventString = oneEventString & _
                                                        "8:30 - 17:00" _
                                                        & lineDelimiter
                        End Select
                        With .EntireRow
                            oneEventString = oneEventString & _
                                                        HeadersArray(i) & _
                                                        CStr(Application.Intersect(.Cells, dataRange.Columns(columnsReturned(i))).Value) _
                                                        & lineDelimiter
                        End With
                    End If
                Next i
                    If oneEventString <> vbNullString Then
                        Select Case CStr(.Value)
                            Case "AM"
                                halfDayEvents = eventDelimiter & oneEventString & halfDayEvents
                            Case "PM"
                                halfDayEvents = halfDayEvents & eventDelimiter & oneEventString
                            Case Else
                                fullDayEvents = eventDelimiter & oneEventString & fullDayEvents
                        End Select
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        Next oneCell
        fullDayEvents = Mid(fullDayEvents, Len(eventDelimiter) + 1)
        halfDayEvents = Mid(halfDayEvents, Len(eventDelimiter) + 1)
        halfDayEvents = fullDayEvents & eventDelimiter & halfDayEvents
        If Left(halfDayEvents, Len(eventDelimiter)) = eventDelimiter Then
            halfDayEvents = Mid(halfDayEvents, Len(eventDelimiter) + 1)
        End If
        EventsForDay = halfDayEvents
    Exit Function
    If Err Then EventsForDay = vbNullString
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    Hi Mike,

    Thank you so much for your kind patience to help me. I've done like your guidance with new code above in Excel 2007 on Windows machine, but it seems there are still certain problems that bring no result. I don't know much VBA to solve myself.

    I prefer Excel 2007 to Excel 2003, because there are enough columns in Excel 2007 to enable me to make a plan for the whole year with 365 days.

    Could you please take a look at the attached file that I did and help me make it work?

    Many thanks.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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