We've developed a sheet for use as a Statement of Account to customers and it sums 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91- 120 days and over.
We're using the following formula: SUMIF($A15:$A31,EOMONTH(F3,-1),$F15:$F31) - for 0-30 days, the others are (F3,-2) etc -, where F3 is the statement date, and can be anydate, column A has the invoice dates and column F has the invoice values. We normally invoice on the last day of the month and this formula works perfectly and picks up the invoices in the correct places on the statement.
Occasionaly we invoice in the middle of the month and this formula doesn't recognise the invoices at all and returns nothing. We've tried replacing EOMonth with (>F3-30) and various other configurations, but to no avail.
Can anyone help in resolving this problem for an Excel Dummy?