I'm finishing a worksheet for a golf stableford format for about 100 players. Each player has a specific quota they are expected to get. If they get their quota exactly or are within 1 point (high or low) the quota stays the same. If they exceed their quota by 2-4 points their next quota is adjusted +1, if they miss it by 2-4 points it goes down 1. If they exceed it by 5-7 points they go up 2, miss it by 5-7 points they go down 2. If they exceed it 8-10 points they are adjusted +3 miss it by 8-10 points the adjustment is -3. If they exceed their points by 11 or more they are adjusted +4 and if the miss the quota points by 11 or more it's -4. 4 points is the maximum adjustment.
so lets say A1 represents the players quota and A2 represents what that player scored today. Let's say that player needed 20 points (that would have been in A1) and he got 22 points (22 inputted in A2). that player would need 21 points in the next round.
So in A1 would I input: (it seems awful long and i tried just the first part and could not get it to work)
=IF((A1=A2,OR(IF(A1=A2-1,OR(IF(A1=A2+1,A1)AND(IF(A1=A2+2,OR(IF(A1=A2+3 etc.....))))
Thanks for your help