Good Morning Everyone!
I am just beginning to dabble in nested IF statements and so far, I think I've done a pretty bang up job....however, when there is text involved, I seem to get myself confused.
Here is my formula:
=IF(AND(D25="Y",G25="Y",J25="Y"), "Y", "N")
This works just fine, because I want it to return a "Y" if those 3 cells equal "Y", or to return a "N" if they don't.....
However, I would like to take it a step further to ALSO return an "N/A" if the value in one of those cells equals "N/A".
*The N/A has been manually entered and is not the result of a formula error
So basically, to break it down:
IF D25, G25, and J25 ALL equal "Y", then return "Y" in that cell...if any of them contain an "N", return "N" in that cell.....or.... IF ANY of those cells equal "N/A", then return "N/A" in that cell.
Does this make sense?
Thank you in advance for reviewing my questions!