Hello Master Gurus
I am requesting assistance with this formula because my brain can't seem to figure it out and so I look to you for help.
I have a data sheet set up where the action performed is by columns and the subject number is by row. The individual sheets that represents 1 sheet per subject number. ie subject #1 information will go to "Subj Reimbursement (1)" tab where the actions are in Row format.
On the individual sheets I want to look up the Subject line # (Cell D1) match it to the # in Cells A44 thru A69 AND then look at the action [ Cells A10 thru A19 Subject Reimbursement tabs and Cells C42 thru L42] and place whatever value is in that intersection.
I have attached the file because I am not sure if I am explaining clearly enough. I did this once before and can't locate the formula.
Thank you for any help with this problem.