I'm currently doing Sales spreadsheet , can someone give me ideas on how to make use of these functions to do sales spreadsheet ?
I'm currently doing Sales spreadsheet , can someone give me ideas on how to make use of these functions to do sales spreadsheet ?
Those functions sum, count and average based on criteria...
so you can sum/count/average sales for say "Andy" where you have a list of sales by several employees that can be repeated with different sales values...
You can use SUMIFS/COUNTIFS/AVERAGEIFS too, to do math based on several criterial, like Salesperson/Sales Territory, etc...
You can also summarize all three functions with Pivot Tables...
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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thanks for your quick reply , i'm not doing by person. The sales is by stores.
I have 5 local store and 3 Overseas stores. How do i go around apply the formulas ?
p.s It's a project .
To best describe or illustrate your problem you would be better off attaching a dummy workbook, the workbook should contain the same structure and some dummy data of the same type as the type you have in your real workbook - so, if a cell contains numbers & letters in this format abc-123 then that should be reflected in the dummy workbook.
If needed supply a before and after sheet in the workbook so the person helping you can see what you are trying to achieve.
Doing this will ensure you get the result you need!
i can't find any dummy workbook and i have to submit it tomorrow .
Create a small dummy sample book that emulates your requirement ... it doesn't have to be big...
what i'm trying to say is , i have completed total sales generated by all store.
and i make used of SUM , MIN , MAX , AVERAGE functions.
my project requirement requires me to use SUMIF , COUNTIF , AVERAGEIF functions.
i'm stuck with how to make use of the functions to create Sales spreadsheet.
Any form of spreadsheet will do as this project requires us to be able to make use of Excel functions that we have learned.
Attached is a very basic example.
I can't guess as to what exactly you want...
See if it helps.
do you mind explaining what's the difference between SUM and SUMIF , AVERAGE and AVERAGEIF ?
The difference, is the IF functions sum,count and average based on certain criteria being met... the basic SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE apply the math to everything in the range, without discretion (except they ignore blanks).
Please see the help files on all these function... they are self explanatory and have samples.
Please see the help files on all these function... they are self explanatory and have samples.
The quickest way, IMO,
Go to the formulas and in the function library, click on the Math & Trig menu icon and select from there. Once the dialogue box comes up for the function, click Help on this Function
alright thanks. when should i use pivot tables ?
I can't believe you still haven't attempted to create a workbook
Hope that helps.
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I am with Roy on this one.
We have been going round in circles... with what appears to be a homework assignment, which, ethically, we are not supposed to give you direct assistance with, or what will be then be learning?... We, however, were willing to assist in giving you hints, with sample workbook, direction where to find assistance, and links to other websites that describe the functions and have examples.
You have not attempted to upload a workbook sample (a simple one) to help your cause... and don't even know how to look in Excel's help files.
I usually have a great deal of patience, but as far as I am concerned, this thread is closed for me... sorry.
Last edited by NBVC; 06-15-2010 at 01:53 PM.
my go!
do you have any idea of any of excels functions?
it seems as pointed out this is a homework assignment,I hope it is for your sake else you may be searching for a job next week !
what do you have so far?
you really need to post a workbook with anything you have!
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where does code go ?
look here
how to insert code
how to enter array formula
why use -- in sumproduct
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wiki Mojito
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most important thing you need
Martin Wilson: SPV
I've already locked the original post because the OP doesn't seem interested in anything except us completing the assignment
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