This is probably a simple solution, but I am balked!
I have created 12 "Month" workbooks (consisting of 28-31 day worksheets which are then collated onto another worksheet - used for daily bookings). I have then created a "Yearly" summary workbook that collates this data in various ways and presents the data as graphs.
I want to retain these spreadsheets in a folder holding the Master Copies.
Here is where the problem begins:
I then want to copy all 13 files into another folder (say Finacial Year 2010_2011) for daily use and future retention.
BUT the references in the Yearly Summary sheet still refer to the files held in the Master Copies folder. Eg Master Copy
" ='I:\Backups\Sound & Light Show\[July Sound and Light Show.xls]July Summary'!$C$4 " (ignore the double quotes), but when the workbooks are copied to a new folder this happens
" ='I:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Sound & Light Show\My MASTERS\[July Sound and Light Show.xlsx]July Summary'!$C$10 "
Note the reference to the My Masters folder?
I want to be able to copy these 13 files each year so as to create a new Financial Year Folder (without having to do any more coding).
I want the references to the files to be relative to only those now in the new folder. Something like " ..\[July Sound and Light Show.xlsx]July Summary'!$C$10 " ?
Is this possible?
Note: I have been struggling with this for days - and now test it and it works as I expected - must have been repeating the same mistake over and over again! LOL I knew this would be simple! A PICNIC problem! (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)