I have 4 tabs, tab 1 = received, tab 2 = issued, tab 3 balance, Customer tab.
Balance tab = Received - Issued.
Issued tab will calculate how many items are issued to customer (in customer tab)
I put =IF('Customer 1'!E9=0,"",'Customer 1'!E9) in issued tab to hide the 0 but this action make the balance tab shows blank as my cell in balance is
=IF(ISERROR('Total Received'!E9-'Total Issued'!E9),"",'Total Received'!E9-'Total Issued'!E9)
If I could make the cells in issue tab to have value 0, this problem will not occur.
How do I keep the value 0 in issue tab, without replacing it with blanks to show that the cell is blank but actually it has a value of 0?
Example as attached.