I have an excel spreadsheet which I used to keep track of some records. A sample as below:
ColumnA ColumnB
Row1 07/09/09 5
Row2 08/09/09 -2
Row3 13/09/09 10
Row4 02/10/09 12
Row5 31/01/10 -22
Column A is where I put a date in ddmmyy format.
Column B is an integer value
Appreciate if someone could write a formula that does the following:
1. Ability to scan row1 to row100 on columnA, return me the sum of the integers from columnb for that month. Note, some months there are more than 1 record and some months there are 0 records.
The results should look something like this:
Sep-09 13
Oct-09 12
Nov-09 No records
Dec-09 No records
Jan-10 -22
If there are months with 0 records then I want the text "No records' to appear.