I have the attached file. I want to enter a formula at the bottom (cell C45) that will sum the number of occurrences that column A = “Cite” and Column C contains the word Missing.
If the comment in column C was consistent (i.e. only stated missing), I would use the formula =SUMPRODUCT(--($A$5:$A$44="Cite"),--($C$5:$C$44="Missing")). I am using the sumproduct rather than Countifs so that it is compatable with 03. If Countifs is easier, I could use it.
However, the comment may say multiple of things, so I need the formula to look for the word Missing.
Furthermore, I also need a formula for cell C46 that counts the occurrences that Column A = “cite” and Column C is not null and does not contain the word “Missing”.
I will then use a third formula to count the nulls, but if I can get help with the above two, I think I can figure out the third.