Hello. I am trying to plug the following equations into Excel, but I am currently stuck:
Three Skinfold Sites (Chest, Abdominal, and Thigh sites from above, SUM3 is the sum of these sites in mm)
Bone Density =1.1093800 - (0.0008267 * SUM3) + (0.0000016 * SUM3²) - (0.0002574 * Age)
Body Fat Percentage =[(4.95/Bone Density) - 4.5] 100
I was able to calculate the Bone Density correctly with this:
But now, I'm stuck. I need to plug the Bone Density solution into the Body Fat Percentage equation. I've tried breaking the equations up, but then I can't change the values in one cell without effecting the values in all the other cells.
What should I do next?