Hello I am fairly new to Excel 2007 conditional formatting.
I have a Health and Safety database with dates of certification. Some of these certifications expire 1 year after completion, and some expire 3 years after completion.
What I would like to do is place conditional formatting in them to change the font to orange when they are to expire in 45 days. And then to change to red when they expire.
So this is what i had in the conditional formatting field, for the 1 year certifications:
=Today()-320, and i had the font color format as orange
=Today()-365, and the font color format as red.
but it doesn't seem to be working, I don't know which of these need to be "on top" and which needs to be on bottom? or if these are even the right codes to get me where i need to be. Please help! thank you!
I have attached my "test" file. I really appreciate it. oh btw I deleted my formatting, as it was a mess.