I do apologize. JB is correct in that you cannot use dynamic ranges as an indirect refernce in the data validation Lists... I overlooked that rule.
However, there is a way around it that does allow you to use "dynamic" ranges.
See attached. I only worked on the CONDUITCOPPER60C140F option....
The solution is based on the section in this link under title: Using Dynamic Lists
So, in your Lists Sheet, go back to redefining the name CONDUITCOPPER60C140F as simply the first cell in the column, ie. Lists!$D$1
Then add a new name same as above with suffix, Col. I.e. CONDUITCOPPER60C140FCol and define it as Lists!$D$D (ie. the whole column)
Now your Data Validation list formula is:
Notice the reference part of the formula is the same as what I had given you before, and it is again used within the COUNTA() part of the formula, with the addition of the concatenation of the suffix "Col".