thanks nbvc for your quick reply, however i should have been a bit more clear. I just figured out how to do the drop down tables with data validation yesterday, which is fairly straight forward, however, i am a bit unclear as to how the line:
actually works to point to each individual list i want to display. I was successful in testing the simpler cascading dependant drop down menu tutorials with one dependant menu, but i think im lacking an understanding of how these individual functions work when they are combined for this specific case. i have had no previous exposure to INDIRECT, TRIM, or SUBSTITUTE before, so would you be able to walk me through this line a bit more in depth? as of now i dont really understand what to modify from this code to reference the lists im looking for. I renamed each of the 12 resulting lists as you described above "InConduitCopper60C140F" and so on.
overall i get that substitute replaces spaces with underscores to avoid errors, and i assume Char refers to the "degree" symbol as an illegal character. indirect is somewhat of a mystery to me though.
for a1 b1 and c1 i would assume this is in reference to the drop down menus i want to use to determine which list is displayed in the fourth menu, but im having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around howit fgures out which combination of the 3 will display a specific menu in the fourth.
again, i apologize if this is confusing, im a noob. 
hold that thought, i think i understand it now, give me 15 minutes... *working*