Hi there,
I was wondering if one of you genius' out there could help me?
I have a sheet (see attached), where i want to input wagon numbers on sheet 1. (There is a named range on sheet 2 called wagonnumbers, used for data validation)
What i don't want is the users of this sheet to input a duplicate wagon number twice in the column.
I can put on normal data validation list, but that doesn't prevent duplicated entries.
I also figured out that i can prevent duplicate entries of wagons using data validation custom and typing in a Countif if formula, but that doesn't use the list drop downs that i desire.
I am looking at making the sheet as simple to use for the end user and don't really want to go down the VB macro route if possible.
In a nutshell, i'm after a data validation list that prevents duplicate entries, CAN THIS BE DONE???
Cheers Guys