I am using an index formula, but would like to return the cell reference used in that formula into another cell. Any ideas?
I am using an index formula, but would like to return the cell reference used in that formula into another cell. Any ideas?
Not very clear I'm afraid - if you need to access a hard wired parameter from the other formula then you will be looking at VBA.
Could you elaborate by means of example(s) ?
My Recommended Reading:
Sumproduct & Arrays
Pivot Intro
Email from XL - VBA & Outlook VBA
Function Dictionary & Function Translations
Dynamic Named Ranges
This is the formula I am using:
=INDEX('bfp pivot'!7:7,MAX(COLUMN('bfp pivot'!7:7)*('bfp pivot'!7:7<>"")))
What I would like to do is set up another cell next to it that tells me what cell the index formula used to return the result....
Ps - thanks for the swift reply....
=cell("address",INDEX('bfp pivot'!7:7,MAX(COLUMN('bfp pivot'!7:7)*('bfp pivot'!7:7<>""))))
Array formula, commit with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
=ADDRESS(7,MAX(COLUMN('bfp pivot'!7:7)*('bfp pivot'!7:7<>"")))
Or, yet another alternative might be:
=ADDRESS(7,LOOKUP(2,1/('bfp pivot'!7:7<>""),COLUMN(7:7)),,,"bfp pivot")
confirmed with Enter
If the data type you're looking for in row 7 is constant (number, text etc...) you can simplify further.
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