I think I am dense to this one...
Can you please tell me exactly how you would arrive at 16.60?
I think I am dense to this one...
Can you please tell me exactly how you would arrive at 16.60?
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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I've tried to make the attatchment a little clearer.
Alex G
Last edited by Alex G; 04-04-2010 at 03:49 PM.
Note that your result in B4 is not actually 20. It is actually 20.38888889
So not sure if you wanted to use the actual result or the rounded resulted.
If you want to use actual result then:
gives 17.38
If you want to use the rounded result, then:
gives 16.60
Is that what you were looking for?
Thanks for the formula. It works fine for the columns I attatched in the earlier post but then I copied & pasted it to a different spread sheet, changed the data ranges and manually checked the result. For some reason it came out incorrect. Have I made a mistake during the movement of the formula?
For simplicity the rounded version is fine.
Alex G
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