How would I show all records in a list that meet a given criteria (in this example = "A") and display them on a seperate worksheet?
How would I show all records in a list that meet a given criteria (in this example = "A") and display them on a seperate worksheet?
Last edited by Gooford; 04-01-2010 at 11:16 AM.
Example attached!
In D2 of Register!: =IF(C2="A",COUNT(D$1:D1)+1,"") copied down
In E2 of Register!: =MAX(D:D)
In A2 of A!: =IF(ROWS($A$1:$A1)>Register!$E$1,"",INDEX(Register!A:A,MATCH(ROWS($A$1:$A1),Register!$D:$D,0)))
copied down as far as you want and over 3 columns
Note: You can change the "A" in first formula to a cell reference so you can change as you please.
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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Thanks - brilliant!
I've put all the formula in but cant seem to get it to work - see attached.
Have I missed something?
Ok - I got it, the formula gave me needed to start from Row 2 (rows($a$2:a2....etc
Thanks very much its working now.
I aim to set up numerous worksheet tabs to show the results of each 'filtered' criteria.
In this case it is tab "A" but I will also need to be able to have a B, C, D, E...etc
That means I need to move the formula onto each individual tab so it can be tailored to show Bs on tab B etc.
Not sure if I've explained that very well, but in NBVCs solution I am writing the criteria that I want filtered on the "Register" tab. If I need to show numerous tabs then I dont want to put the formula on the Register tab, I need to have it on the individual tabs, but somehow I cant just transfer it.
Unfortunately I have been fiddling around all afternoon and I just cant figure it out.
All sorted now, got there in the end - will post if anyone is interested.
I am interested if you still have it
Good Topic which helps me alot.
You can try CSE formula:
In A2 sheet "A" and drag down and to right as much as you need...
this is CSE so pls press Ctr+Shift+Enter after entering the formula....
In A2 sheet "B" and drag down and to right as much as you need...
this is CSE so pls press Ctr+Shift+Enter after entering the formula....
Last edited by Indi_Ra; 04-15-2015 at 06:41 AM.
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