I have a column on worksheet 'COR TABLE' that is pulling the values from worksheet 'EQUITIES' column CD4:CD1004.

30 { =('EQUITIES'!CD4) }
30 { =('EQUITIES'!CD5) }
-30 { =('EQUITIES'!CD6) }
40 { =('EQUITIES'!CD7) }
45 { =('EQUITIES'!CD8) }
20 { =('EQUITIES'!CD9) }
so on and so on into the thousands of rows...

I would like to add a user input onto the COR TABLE worksheet that would tell the formula in what column to get the data in the EQUITIES worksheet, so that I didn't have to copy and paste throughout the entire worksheet to change the reference to one column.

So if somewhere I simply entered "AR", it would change all formula references to:
-30 { =('EQUITIES'!AR4) }
20 { =('EQUITIES'!AR5) }
-30 { =('EQUITIES'!AR6) }
45 { =('EQUITIES'!AR7) }
25 { =('EQUITIES'!AR8) }
15 { =('EQUITIES'!AR9) }

Can anyone direct me to an answer on this one???