Hi guys, newbie member, so be easy on me!
I have suffered this a bunch of times and I am fed up having to start again. Basically I have a perfectly reasonable excel (2003) file which suddenly becomes massive. Generally I can track it down to being the fault of one of the sheets. With a load of searching, I have done everything I have found as suggestions. The cells have been 'deleted', they have been cleared, the formatting has been cleared. I have made sure nothing is wrong via the VBA editor. Nevertheless, my document with one 'empty' sheet occupies well over 1.5Mb. Now one obvious problem is that the sheet shows the full range of cells, right up to IV65336. This I am guessing is my problem. But how the hell do I get excel to actually accept that there is nothing active in all these cells?! In future I can avoid getting into this mess by being more careful with what I am doing but surely there has to be a way of undoing it and having excel return to a sensible state.
I would love to know just for curiosity sake but also so that I don't have to redo this whole sheet and all the references hidden within!