i have a formula in cell A1 which is a Vlookup that returns a Blank instead of a 0 if the cell is blank. and I have another formula in B1 (IF(A1<>"",1,0)*0.85) but this one returns a value error if A1 is blank. am I making any sense at all?
i have a formula in cell A1 which is a Vlookup that returns a Blank instead of a 0 if the cell is blank. and I have another formula in B1 (IF(A1<>"",1,0)*0.85) but this one returns a value error if A1 is blank. am I making any sense at all?
Can we see the Vlookup formula?
Are you sure it is returning a null blank, or is it a space?... i.e. " " instead of ""
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the formula would be something like this IF(VLOOKUP($A6,'Cable Pull'!$A:D,4,0),VLOOKUP($A6,'Cable Pull'!$A:D,4,0),"")
That would only work to return a blank if the lookup value is found and the column D contains a 0 or blank, otherwise you would get a #N/A error or the actual value in column D
As for the other formula.. I don't know why you would get #Value error.. it should be 0.85 or 0 unless you have an error in the Vlookup cell...
there actually is no problem with the vlookup formula. but it seems that it is saying that the cell is no longer blank.
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