Hello everyone-

I'm having a bit of an issue with a colleagues Excel and was hoping some of you might be able to help. Here's the information..

We are using a shared spreadsheet that each of my colleagues can pull up on their own local computer. The error we are seeing is only occuring on one persons local machine.

Let's say she tries to type the number 1234 into a cell. For her, it generates as 12.34 with a decimal automatically placing itself in the middle. By checking format cells, this is the way her general tab is set up. If we try and back down the decimal places by two spots 1234 will generate a rounded response - in this case, 12, which is no good if she is trying to view a 4 digit number.

We have tried formating all sorts of different ways, removing decimals points, dragging correctly formated cells into these boxes in an attempt to change formating all to no avail.

We were able to correctly input a 4-digit number by chaning the format of the cell to text, then typing in 1234, and converting it to a number cell when the error (!) shows up. It's nice that there is a work around, but for the volume of cells that we are working with it is quite the task to manually change every single one one at a time.

Any suggestions? Thanks so much.