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VBA : Autofilter results copied to Array

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  1. #1
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    VBA : Autofilter results copied to Array

    Hi there,

    I need help in putting the results of Autofilter into an Array.

    Attached is my VBA application. See the Code.

    The example goes like this, I have a block of 20 rows, with 3 columns.
    There is a header row.

    I input into a text box one of two integer values that correspond to values in column 3.
    The values are either 1 or 2.
    It then filters to find all rows that have that value, this is very much like a lookup.
    I am able to get the filtered results row count.
    So the number of rows that have a "1" in column 3, there are 7 of them.

    I tried to put the filter results in an array and display with message box field#1, but only returns the first 3 rows, meaning that it will return only contiguous cells that have value

    Help with this is much much appreciated.
    See my attached VBA app.


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  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor mdbct's Avatar
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    Re: VBA : Autofilter results copied to Array

    I think you'll have to load the array using a loop:

    Sub GetMeterCode()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim val As Integer, LR As Integer, rowsTotal As Integer
    Dim rngArray(), i As Long
    Dim rngTemp As Range
    Set ws = Workbooks("ChooseMeterCode_Ver02.xls").Worksheets("first")
    val = UserForm1.txtb1.Value
    MsgBox " The export code value is : " & val
    Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="=" & val
    LR = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    'Set rngTemp = ws.Range("A5:C5").AutoFilter(Field:=3, Criteria1:="=" & val)
    rowsTotal = ws.Range("A5:A" & LR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1
    ReDim rngArray(1)
    MsgBox "The filtered row numbers are: " & rowsTotal
    For i = 6 To LR
    If Not Cells(i, "A").EntireRow.Hidden Then
    ReDim Preserve rngArray(UBound(rngArray) + 1)
        rngArray(UBound(rngArray)) = Cells(i, "A")
    End If
     For i = 2 To UBound(rngArray)
        MsgBox "Values from array are : " & rngArray(i)
     Next i
    ws.AutoFilterMode = False
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: VBA : Autofilter results copied to Array

    Hi there,

    Yes I actually came up with a very similar type of code myself.
    But I was wondering if there was a way to get the resultset from the Autofilter itself.
    SO I guess my question is:

    "Can AutoFilter pass back a resultset or an Array with the results?"

    Is there some method/function that it has that can do this so that one can avoid
    looping thru a range and using conditional IF statements.

    Thanks for your solution, it is more compact than my solution(in the looping way).

    Thanks again.



  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor mdbct's Avatar
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    Re: VBA : Autofilter results copied to Array

    "Can AutoFilter pass back a resultset or an Array with the results?"
    As far as i can tell - no.

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