I am not new to excel but I am also not an advanced user, so I need some help. : ) I would like to pull specific data from two different workbooks in order to create 1 workbook that only shows the columns I need and the advertiser names I am working on.
I have attached an example for you to view. Pretend that there is a second spreadsheet just like this. Both of these spreadsheets are emailed separately to me everyday. the spreadsheets are always named the same thing and are formatted exactly alike. The only thing that changes are the # of advertiser's and the order in which they are listed (some accnts close and new ones open)
I need to create a dashboard that will pull certain columns from workbook1 and workbook2
And I then need to filter the advertiser names to only include the accnts I am working. (maybe I could use and update a master list) Just so I don't have to do it twice everyday... I'll be happy. Its getting old. :(
Thank you for your help!