Hello 6StringJazzer. Thanks, it worked really fine here-in this working file.
Now, I copied the worksheet '1' entirely to my original excel file (at the left-most tab). It worked fine for the first few sheets (summary worksheet data), but not in the Printed sheet. This file is composed of around 130+ worksheets, but only 50+ sheets will be printed. Some sheets have charts in it, some are just list of items, while some are summary of the printed sheets.
There is no problem if all worksheets will be affected by this code as long as the printed sheets will be previewed and printed right. I can unhide again anyway the rows for me to enter data in the source worksheets. (e.g. in sheet1(A) or sheet2(A))
But, do you think that it is better for only the Printed sheets will get affected? I mean the toggle button will only trigger to hide/unhide sheets with an event code. (e.g.Sheet1 and Sheet2 only, not the Sheet1(A) and Sheet2(A)). And further, this event code can be copied to future inserted worksheet/s.
Thanks a tons!![]()